WCW Nitro scores a 85 TV Show Rating
WCW Nitro Scored a 11.45 TV Rating which is Up 2.61 from the previous week


WWF Raw scores a 88 TV Show Rating
WWF Raw scored a 43.42 TV Rating which is down 1.24 from the previous week

WWF Smackdownairs with a TV Rating of 35.05 which is up 0.46 from the previous week
WCW Network Negotiations

WCW and Multiple TV Networks are rumoured to be in talks after this past Monday's WCW Nitro topped a target set by the USA Network of 10.00. Beating it by a further 10%, networks as said to be high on adding WCW to their portfolio as the company continues to rebuild and regroup it's fanbase and it's product. Many insiders are questioning the addition of another show to the weekly calendar, stating “They need to focus on Nitro and worry about the rest when it's fully rebuilt”. While others are firmly behind the idea stating “If WWF has 4 shows and WCW only has one, it looks the inferior company, they need the extra TV time to not just increase the bottom line, but increase the public opinion”.

Nothing has yet been set in stone, but insiders are stating it could be a few weeks or a few days, but networks have now opened their doors.

WCW TV Return

WCW Announces the Return of Thunder as a 1 hour format showing in limited areas at the moment.

Showing in the USA, Mexico, Australia, Europe and the UK.

With the USA Network spearing the campaign for more TV presence, it's followed by Sky Sport in the UK offering a position on it's Sky Sports 2 channel. 52MX once again teaming with WCW to air it's programing alongside Nitro and finally the Ten Network in Australia. The first Episode of WCW Thunder will follow WCW Nitro 300 next week as it airs Thursday Evening.

WWF Figurehead Change
WWF changes the face of the company as Stone Cold Steve Austin is now no longer considered as the company's #1. The WWF are now looking to focus all it's shows around The Rock who is said to be the star of the next decade of the WWF.