WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode 299
Monday Week 3 July
Cameron Hall, Virginia (5,000 SOLD OUT)

Announce Team

WCW Nitro opens with Jeff Jarrett in the ring, alone and with an angry look all across his face. Jarrett says he had last night planned perfectly, but thanks to Ric Flair the night ended with a disappointing feeling for everything. To which the crowd cheers, as Jarrett gets more agitated, Jarrett reminds the fans he's the President of WCW and they should show him a little more respect.

With that, Ric Flair makes his way out to the top of the ramp. Flair says Jarrett is President on a technicality and that he is the original President of WCW and he will be the sole President once the legal issues have been sorted out. Flair says that the attack that took him out was cowardly and if Jarrett really wanted him gone and wanted to have his position of power, he should have done it face to face. He says that luckily they didn't do any lasting damage, so in the interest of WCW he will forgive, but he certainly won't forget. Flair then says for now, they both have to get along and run WCW, which is when Flair says he has 4 friends who are more than willing to help them keep control in WCW. Flair then says to welcome the newest recruits to the Horsemen Family and the group to be known as the Nu-Horsemen…

Mark Jindrak, Lance Storm, AJ Styles and the Returning Chris Candido walk out onto the stage. Flair says he handpicked 4 of the best young men he could find and in return for loyalty, he offered them a place in the Horsemen family. Flair then reminds Jarrett that they have to work together, if not, tonight might just symbolise the start of a war that WCW may not be able to come back from.

Backstage after the commercial break, Jarrett is in his office with the other members of the Elite Era, Kanyon and Chavo. Jarrett expresses his disappointment at the outcome of last nights Bash at the BEach PPV, but says they have to clean the slate and start all over again. Jarrett directs the troops to take down Flair and the “Nu-Horsemen” after their actions last night. Chavo then asks about what happens to Kevin Nash, to which Scott Steiner replied by saying his a** got fired but he can't keep his nose out of their business and maybe they need to make an example of him. Jarrett says he will invite Nash to Nitro next week for the 300th episode. He says that he will give him the option of walking out the arena or being carried out. Jarrett turns his attentions back to Flair and tells everyone in the room that although they have to work together, they will play the smart game and trick him into thinking they are willing to work together on the greater good, but slowly pick apart his authority and friends. Jarrett says it has the be a slow attack, targeting key strategic moments. Taking down potential allies of Ric Flair and opinionated members of the locker room. With that, Scott Steiner stands up and says he wants to kick it off by taking down either Konnan or Hugh Morrus as they are the voice of the locker room and could prove a problem in the future if they don't silence them immediately. Jarrett agrees and says he will let Konnan and Morrus know immediately that they have a match, Next. With that, the camera cuts to outside the locker room, as the camera catches Arn Anderson outside listening to everything that was being said.

Scott Steiner vs Konnan

In a brutal showing of strength, Steiner provides 90% of the offence in a match set to silence any uprising from the locker room against the Elite Era. Still showing the effects of recent weeks, it's not surprising that Konnan doesn't put up more of a fight. The match is basically Steiner stomping his authority throughout and ends with Konnan tapping to the Recliner.

Winner: Scott Steiner
Time: 8:10

Back after the commercial break and the music of Ric Flair hits. Flair comes out to the top of the stage and begins to address the live crowd. Flair says that yet again the Elite Era have let themselves down. Flair calls them amateurs for not even being able to organise a plan, let alone execute it without the world finding out. Flair says that seems as he’s back and already they are planning to take him down, he may as well strike back. Flair then says that there is one way he knows how to make them suffer, thats to take away the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from the Elite Era. He says he has spent weeks nursing his body and his ego, so he's had plenty of time to hatch a plan of revenge. Flair then says that he would like to introduce the wcw fans to “6 Ways to Hell”. He then points to the titantron screen where an image of a structure, resembling the “Competitions” Hell In a Cell, but without a roof, just a large open shell. Flair says that Scott Steiner will be defending his championship inside the structure come WCW New Blood Rising. Flair says he will have to face 5 other opponents in the match and the only way Steiner can win is by escaping the structure. Flair says that next week on the 300th episode of Nitro, he will chose 5 men and Jarrett can chose 5 men. Each man will face off in 5 qualifier matches, the winners will qualify for the 6 Ways to Hell match. The crowd then cheers as Flair makes his way backstage.

Kaz Hayashi vs Aguila

Another decent Cruiserweight match in which Kaz once again continues his streak of winning decisively.

Winner: Kaz Hayashi
Time: 6:45

Backstage Ric Flair is talking to the members of his Nu-Horsemen, offering them words of encouragement alongside Arn Anderson. Flair thanks them for joining his cause over the past few weeks. Flair singles out Mark Jindrak who has been fighting against the Elite Era on his own for some tim. Jindrak thanks Flair for bestowing the title of Horsemen on them, saying that the names comes with a lot of bragging rights at the bar, with the ladies after the show. Flair then addresses Chris Candido, saying his first run in WCW was out of his hands, but the potential he seen in him was so great, he wouldn't let his talents go unrewarded. Flair then says Lance Storm is the best technical wrestler in WCW today and at his young age is already considered a veteran backstage. Flair says he sees a bright future in Storm and asks him if he thinks Mike Awesome is done with him yet. Storm says he and Awesome are finished in his book, but with the Elite Era using him as a pawn a few weeks ago, he's not sure if Awesome has buried the hatchet yet. Flair then turns his attention to AJ Styles, Flair calls him a star in the making, saying he has the potential to go far under their tutelage. Flair then addresses the issue of his partner Air Paris, saying that he would have been a welcomed addition to the group, and that when his fit and well, he can “Roll with the boys”. AJ thanks Flair for the chance at making a future for himself, he also says that he will give his all and not go down without a fight. Arn Anderson then gives all 4 a piece of advice. Anderson tells them to think of each other as family, that nobody is ever on their own when they have their fellow horsemen around. That's when Flair says they can work on bonding tonight, as he's going to book them in a 4 on 4 tag match to help them work together as a team.

The cameras are backstage after the break, rushing towards a commotion in the parking lot. The camera’s get the the area to find O’Haire and Palumbo attacking and beating down the Tag Team Champions. After assaulting them, O’Haire and Palumbo pick up the belts from the floor, stand over the bodies of the tag champs and lay the belts on their bodies before saying “enjoy them while you can”.

NuHorsemen vs Disco Swingers and 3 Count

The Music hits…

Out walk the 4 members of the Nu-Horsemen, all wearing matching T-Shirts and stopping on the ramp to hold up their hands, showing the 4 fingers, the sign of the Horsemen. All 4 men get in to the ring and await their opponents. As their opponents enter the ring and the match starts, it's immediately obvious that it's the first time the 4 have teamed together. They take some time to get their rhythm, and although they are green when teaming, they show a great natural “flair” with each other as they wrestle their opponents. Jindrak and Storm wrestle most of the match, but tag in the youngster Styles to get the pinfall, as he hits a diving 450 from the top rope, on Johnny Swinger.

Winner: AJ Styles
Time: 8:14

After the match ends, before the Nu-Horsemen get a chance to celebrate, Jarrett makes his way onto the stage. Jarrett warns all 4 of them, that teaming with Flair now means they have a target on their back, not just that but to do it after he got “Screwed” out of the US Title last night, means they have only made the whole thing worse. Jarrett tells them that it may not be tonight or even next week, but when they least expect it, he will get his own back.

Backstage Palumbo and O’Haire are in the locker room with Rey Mysterio. Rey welcomes them back after being away for a few weeks, Mysterio says they came back just at the righttime, because Totally Buffed were going to steamroller the tag team division. Palumbo thanks Mysterio and says that they already sent the message, but when they team up later to take on Totally Buffed and Chavo Guerrero, they can really put the proverbial spanner in the works of the “Elite”. Before Palumbo and O’Haire go to leave the locker room, O’Haire turns around and comments on Rey’s Mask. O’Haire says it's nice to see the friendly “Face” back in WCW.

Elix Skipper vs Shane Helms

In a good match, Shane Helms proves to strong fighting Skipper. Helms who hasn't been that active in WCW recently, shows a more edgier side to his character as he performs using a lot more hard hitting strikes, alongside his usual moveset.

Winner: Shane Helms
Time: 6:42

Ric Flair is backstage in his office, when Dusty Rhodes walks in. Fair stands up and the both men have an awkward moment before Dusty speaks. Dusty asks Flair if he's planning to pick up where he left off, before he got attacked. Flair says he was in a different mind frame and said he let his personal feeling cloud his judgement one too many time. Dusty says he bears no grudges but just wanted to make sure his job was safe. Both men agree to leave things in the past and stay out of eachothers way. Agreeing they cannot be friends, but agree they don't need to hate each other either.

Chavo Guerrero and Totally Buffed vs Rey Mysterio and Natural Born Thrillers

Totally Buffed are the last to enter the match, looking ruffled up from their encounter earlier in the night. Palumbo and Chavo start the match off, getting straight into the action. Both teams perform well, with Mysterio’s performance being called “Head and shoulders” above the rest. The match is pretty even though out, even with the bodies of Luger and Bagwell still recovering from an earlier attack. The end of the match proves to be somewhat controversial, as WCW World Heavyweight Champion Scott Steiner once again shows his face at ringside, this time, taking Mysterio out through the crowd with him, as the referee is distracted, unable to see what's happened. This allows the numbers game to work in the favour of Chavo and Totally Buffed, as Luger manages to get the Pinfall over Palumbo.

Winner: Lex Luger
Time: 9:22

In an interview with Gene Okerlund backstage, DDP tells Gene that his match was always going to have dirty tactics involved, given he was against Steiner and the Elite Era. He said he wasn't prepared for how the match went down. Calling the low blow just a prime example of the desperation the Elite Era will go to, in order to keep its monopoly on WCW. Gene then asks what DDP has in mind next. DDP says h is going to talk to Flair after Nitro goes off air, to see if he can persuade Flair to let him enter next week's qualifiers for the 6 Ways to Hell match. Gene asks if he thinks he has a chance of persuading Flair. DDP responds just saying, if he wants to make the Elite Era suffer, he's the #1 choice, with that, DDP thanks Gene, but says he has somewhere to be.

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship
Sting © vs Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett and Sting make their way to the ring with the crowd as loud as possible for both, however the reaction they faced couldn't have been any more polar opposite. The match gets under way and it's Sting he gets the first round of offence. The match plays out very much the same as the previous night. The match proves to be a great crowd pleaser with both men getting a reaction from the hot crowd. Towards the end of the match, Jarrett begins to build momentum, but fails to get multiple pinfalls, as Sting keeps kicking out. That's when Jarrett walks to the ropes nearest the ramp and motions for someone to come to the ring. After what seems like forever for Jarrett but in reality about 20 seconds, he turns around and walks straight into a Right hand from Sting. After a flurry of moves, Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop on a bewildered Jarrett and once again picks up the victory, successfully defending his championship two straight nights in a row.

Winner: Sting
Time: 17:14

Straight after the match Flair and his Nu-Horsemen appear on the titan tron, this time they are shown standing silently as Scott, Rick, Lex and Buff are escorted from the arena and into the back of police cars in handcuffs. As the camera’s continue to roll and follow the arrests of the 4 members of the Elite Era, unbeknown to Jarrett, the Horsemen and Flair make their way through the crowd. All 4 members then stand on one side of the ring as Flair Struts all around the ring, as Jarrett stands alone in the ring, looking scared for his life. The titles for Nitro rolls as all 5 stand, intimidating Jarrett.

Show Rating

WWF 43.42 vs WCW 11.45