WCW Nitro Theme

WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #300
Monday Week 4 July
Matthews Arena, Massachusetts (5,000 - SOLD OUT)

Announce Team

Ric Flair opens tonight show, stood in the ring, with a microphone in hand and with 2 local police enforcement officers. Flair addresses the crowd, telling them that last week was the best time he's had in a long time. Flair says he's almost glad the “Magnificent 7” turned on him, because it woke him out of his daze of complacency. He goes on to say that getting a new band of Horsemen together is what reinvigorated him to come back fighting, and not just lay down and bow to the “Elite Era”. Flair then goes on to say that last week's arrests on The Steiners, Luger and Bagwell was a reaction to his assault and kidnapping a few weeks ago. Flair said that matter is now in the hands of Law Enforcement and they have been released on bail. Flair says he will explain more about what actually went down soon, but he doesn't want to put a downer on the 300 Episode of Monday Night Nitro. Flair says that at the first Nitro, when he wrestles Sting, he wasn't sure where the show would be now, but he couldn't be prouder that it's reached another milestone. Flair then cuts himself short and says tonight is going to be action packed and he's needs to shut up. Flair says he will see everyone shortly when he is announcing his 5 competitors tonight in the 6 Ways to Hell match, but first he wants to welcome the following match, the staple of WCW, The Cruiserweight Championship. With that, flair exits the ring.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Rey Mysterio vs Kaz Hayashi

In a match where both competitors are hot off the heels of multiple successful matches, it's shown to be a great way to kick off the 300th episode of Nitro and help to showcase the pace at which the WCW Cruiserweight Championship is gaining traction in WCW fans eyes. Many are saying the recent reign’s of Sting and Rey Mysterio have helped rebuild championships which have been put back on the map. Kaz Hayashi put up a great fight and loses with honor after falling victim to a top-rope hurricanrana.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Time: 9:40

Backstage Torrie Wilson is about to be interviewed by Gene Okerlund, when Stacy Keibler walks in and interrupts. After a verbal exchange, which is almost impossible to decipher what's being said, as both voices are being raised. It's Keibler who lays her hands on Torrie, dragging her by her hair, out of shot of the camera’s.

Following the commercial break, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett are on the stage, standing on opposite sides of the entrance ramp. Flair says although this might be his idea, he would like to offer Jarrett the opportunity to announce who his first choice for tonight's qualifiers is. Jarrett looks dubious but says he knows tonight is going to go in his favour tonight, because he has 5 of the best wrestlers in WCW, lined up and waiting. Jarrett then says his first competitor is one half of the Tag Team Champions, Lex Luger. Ric Flair then congratulates him on a good selection. Flair says it won't be a walk over, but he's still confident. Flair then names Booker T as the first opponent selected by himself. Both men then exit the stage, awaiting the entrances of their selections.

6 Ways to Hell - Qualifier
Booker T vs Lex Luger

After making their way to the ring, Booker and Luger kick off the match with a collar elbow tie up, with Luger on the winning end and boasting afterwards by flexing his muscles. The crowd is heavily behind Booker T throughout, although he doesn't gain much offence, as Luger proves to be a strong adversary on this 300th episode. With many flurys of offence by Booker, flawed by Luger. It's the final flury of them all, that results in a Book-end, which allows Booker to pick up the victory, in a pretty shocking manner after sustaining so much punishment throughout.

Winner: Booker T
Time: 8:31

Gene Okerlund is backstage with the former tag team champions, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire. Gene welcome them back after their short break, to which Palumbo thanks him. Palumbo says they had to take some time out and recuperate after losing their titles. Palumbo goes on to say that they were marked men in the eyes of what we now know is the Elite Era. O’Haire then begins to talk intensely about how they are not only taking back their gold, but taking back the future for themselves and everyone else under the age of “over the hill” and protect the future of the WCW Tag Team Championships. Gene asks them both is they are in a Championship winning mind frame, or just being optimistic, as the Elite Era is on an almost unstoppable roll at the moment. Palumbo says he knows Gene has to remain impartial and ask the questions no matter what, but Palumbo politely asks him not to doubt them, because 10 years from now, nobody will talk about “Totally Buffed”. All anyone will talk about in 2011 will be Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire, the greatest tag team in WCW History. With that, both men high five and walk off. Gene goes to talk to camera, but O’hair quickly jumps into the shot and whispers into the microphone “Greatest of All Time!”.

Once again, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett are on the stage to announce their next competitors to battle for qualification in the 6 Ways to Hell match. This time Flair says he would like to put forward one of his newest recruits and former WCW US, Cruiser, Hardcore champion, Lance Storm. Jarrett then proceeds to laugh and ask Flair is he has already run out of good competitors, questioning is he had already pulled his ace card, in Booker T. Jarrett then says he may as well announce he is putting Rick Steiner in the following match, and says he hopes that Storm at least makes it out of the match in onc peace, with a smirk on his face.

6 Ways to Hell - Qualifier Lance Storm vs Rick Steiner

In a match that Jarrett implied would be a whitewash, it's pretty clear early on that Lance Storm is able to hold his own against the WCW TV Champion. At times it's pretty clear that the grizzled veteran in Steiner is getting annoyed with the amount Storm is fighting back. The match goes on for some time, with both men getting a decent amount of offence. The Elite Era thankful stay out of this match, but that doesn't stop Steiner attempting to use underhand tactics. After failing to get multiple pinfalls, Steiner goes to the corner to grab his collar to use as a weapon. As he does, Mark Jindrak comes running down to the ring, grabs the other end of the collar and has a tug of war with Steiner, one inside, the other outside the ring. After a quick tussle, Steiner lets go, causing Jindrak to fall backwards. Steiner then laughs and goes to turn around and continue his attack, when without hesitation, Lance Storm hits him under the chin with a Super Kick. Storm then rushes for the cover and gets the 3.

Winner: Lance Storm
Time: 9:17

Jarrett and Flair are once again on the stage to announce who they have selected, this time as Jarrett announces Kanyon as his selection, hiss music hits and out he comes. Jarrett shakes the hand of Kanyon and whispers something in his ear, before setting him on his way to the ring. With that, Flair congratulates him, as Flair says he thinks highly of the future of Kanyon. Flair however says that tonight just won't be his night, as he has the monster of all challenges for him. Flair then goes on to say that after much legal wrangling, and going over the fine details of clauses, he is proud to welcome back and announce his selection…

Kevin Nash walks out onto the stage and shakes the Hand of Ric Flair, before gesturing to the live crowd and making his way to the ring in an arena full of cheers.

6 Ways to Hell - Qualifier Kanyon vs Kevin Nash

Nash gets off the mark immediately, laying a truck load of blows on Kanyon, forcing him into the corner, where the attack continues. Getting his first chance to reverse the offence, Kanyon kicks out the knee of Nash, who drops to one knee, allowing Kanyon to start fighting back. The whole match is based around Kanyon trying to keep Nash down, by using any method necessary to attack the knees. Kanyon looks impressive in the match, however it's the returning Nash who gets the last word as he manages to hit Kanyon with a devastating Jacknife Powerbomb. Earning a championship shot in his return match after many months of being excluded from WCW thanks to the Magnificent 7/Elite Era.

Winner: Kevin Nash

Time: 11:55

After the match, while Nash is celebrating his win and return in the ring, Scott Steiner rushes to the ring. Steiner gets in the ring with an iron bar and swings at Nash. Nash luckily avoids the attack by side stepping. Steiner then drops the bar as Nash clubs him in the back. Both men then brawl as the locker room officials empty out, into the ring and separate Steiner and Nash, who are both fighting tooth and nail to get their hands on eachother. Eventually officials manages to back both men far enough apart that Steiner is ushered up the ramp, while Nash is taken through the crowd, giving both of them enough distance between them.

Once again, Flair and Jarrett are on the ramp to introduce who they have chosen next. Flair starts off and says that he has had a lot of time on his hands to reflect on past decisions and sometimes he has to tell himself he was wrong. With that, Flair introduces his choice, The Natural Dustin Rhodes. Jarrett shrugs his shoulders and says, oh well at least we know it's going to be 3-1 after this match, Dustin stands no chance against the awesome selection, Mike Awesome.

6 Ways to Hell - Qualifier
Dustin Rhodes vs Mike Awesome

Kicking into high gear from the off, Mike Awesome lays hard blow after hard blow to Dustin. For the first half of the match, it's 100% Awesome, as he takes no prisoners in beating down Dustin time after time. The heart of the Rhodes family shines through as Dustin continues to get back to his feet to take more and more beatings. It's with that, Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring after Awesome fails to pick up multiple pinfalls. Jarrett screams at Awesome to get the job done, which is not taken too kindly by Awesome, who screams back at him to keep out of it and let him do his job. With that, Dustin manages to take advantage of the distraction and gain some small offence. Worried at ringside, Jarrett tries to get involved to help Awesome, but inadvertently costs Awesome the match by tripping up Awesome and not Dustin in the ring. Allowing Dustin to hit his finisher and pick up the victory. Leaving Jarrett frustrated and walking up the ramp.

Winner: Dustin Rhodes
Time: 7:46

Backstage Ric Flair is with all 4 members of the Nu-Horsemen. Flair says tonight is going to plan and says he was really proud of their showing last week as a team. Candido interrupts Flair and says he's feeling refreshed and can't wait to learn more from the nature boy. With that, Flair addresses AJ Styles. Flair says he has an idea that will test him next week. Without giving a clue as to what he means, Flair moves onto Storm and Jindrak. Flair says they did a job well earlier and as Storm now has a place in the Main event at New Blood Rising, he is now working on a match for Jindrak to showcase his skills at the PPV. Flair then shows his hand holding up all 4 fingers in the sign of the Horsemen. Flair says that if they remember nothing else, remember that the horsemen are family and that we all watch each others backs at all times.

Backstage Gene Okerlund is with Sting. Gene asks Sting how it feels to beat Jeff Jarrett two night in a row. Sting says he made the best of two bad situations and thankfully he is still WCW US Champion. Sting says he knows things could have been a lot worse, as when the Elite Era has their target set on you, they don't let up that easily. Gene then asks what he next has in store, to which Sting says he will take every day as it comes, while the Elite Era are still in power. Gene then asks how he feels about WCW Nitro reaching 300 episodes, reminding him that he was on the rist and last episode that was on the “Other Network”.

With that there is some noise to the left of the shot and in comes Mike Awesome and Kanyon. Both men waste no time in attacking Sting and stomp him while he's down on the ground. Kanyon then grabs Gene by his jacket, while using the other hand to grab the microphone. Kanyon says that is the first of many shot, because the Elite Era is taking their Championship back.

After the commercial break, Flair and Jarrett are once again standing at the top of the ramp. Flair kicks off proceedings by wishing Jarrett luck as so far it's looking like a whitewash for his selections. FLair says he's not going to let up on Jarrett and says he is choosing the former World Heavyweight Champion and master of the Diamond Cutter, Diamond Dallas Page. A furious Jarrett says he doesn't know why Flair would chose DDP, he already came up short at Bash at the Beach against Scott Steiner. However he says he would like to see him lose again tonight and says he has chosen the other half of the Tag Team Champions, Buff Bagwell.

6 Ways to Hell - Qualifier
Diamond Dallas Page vs Buff Bagwell

Both men make their way to the ring, this time accompanied by Flair and Jarrett respectively. Flair and Jarrett take a seat at ringside to watch the match unfold. As DDP and Bagwell get into the match, it's clear that Jarrett and Flair cannot behave at ringside, as the referee in the ring calls for assistance from backstage to help keep an eye on the two Presidents of World Championship Wrestling. DDP and Bagwell are pretty evenly matched in this match, maybe slightly tipping the favour in the way of DDP, thanks to the roar of the crowd getting behind him at crucial moments. As the match rolls on it's evident that both Bagwell and Jarrett are desperate to win as both try to elude the attention of the referees and use underhand tactics to gain an advantage or better, a win. However with 2 referees now at ringside it proves impossible as Jarrett's attempt to slide the WCW Tag Team Belt into the ring doesn't go unnoticed and gets him ejected from ringside. This leaves Bagwell fighting alone, and it's not long before he falls victim to the Diamond Cutter and gives Ric Flair a clean 5-0 victories and DDP another shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in 3 weeks at WCW New Blood Rising.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page
Time: 10:42

After the match, Flair gets into the ring to congratulate DDP on his victory, as he does, Jeff Jarrett walks back out onto the stage, after being ejected from the previous match. Jarrett says it's only the second week of Flair being back in WCW and he is already sick of the sight of him. Jarrett says that when he took out Flair, it was because WCW wasn't big enough for the two of them and that still stands. Jarrett says he can't fire Flair, because they are at the same pay grade, but he can at least try to amend the way things work. Jarrett challenges Flair to a match and says he wants everything to be on the table. Jarrett says he wants Flair to put his position as President on the line at New Blood Rising. Flair then asks Jarrett to do the same, but Jarrett says he’s got a much better idea what he could put on the line. Jarrett says if he wins, Flair relinquishes his position in WCW and if Flair wins, which he won't. He will then allow Flair to challenge Scott Steiner for the WCW Championship. Flair laughs at Jarrett and calls him delusional, Flair says he doesn't need to battle Jarrett to get a title shot, just like Jarrett didn't need to earn his shots at the WCW United States Championship. Flair then calls Jarrett the biggest wimp in the history of WCW, but Jarrett doesn't bite. Jarrett simple states that he's smarter than Flair. While Flair was out wheeling and dealing, he was educating himself in the business and learning from the business. In the end both men fail to meet a reasonable agreement and Jarrett goes to leave the stage. Flair then tells him to stop and offers him a second opportunity. Flair says how about they make their match something special, Flair offers him a Street Fight. Flair says if Jarrett really wants him gone, he's going to have to beat him so bad, he can't make it into work the night after for Nitro. Jarrett then smiles and says he is more than willing to accept that, telling Flair he has just backed himself into a corner that he cannot get out of. Flair and Jarrett then have a stare down as the titles roll.
Show Rating

WWF 43.14 vs WCW 11.48