WCW Nitro Theme

WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #301
Monday Week 1 August
Show Place Arena, Maryland (5,385)

Announce Team

As the pyros die down and the show opens with a big bang, the crowd still going wild, the music of Ric Flair hits. Ric Flair then comes to the ring which is littered in weapons which you would find on an everyday Street. Flair then steps into the ring with a microphone in his hand and proceeds to kick all the weapons out of the Ring before calling Jeff Jarrett too ringside. After waiting some time Flair begins to get agitated and proceeds to start dropping elbows on street signs which have been left on the mat in the ring and stop bouncing off the ropes. Then almost out of nowhere Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the top of the ramp and tells Ric Flair that he doesn't have time all patients for the types of games that Flair wants to play, so he should just stop making an idiot out of himself, get backstage and start coaching his new Horsemen as they are going to be slowly dismantled when the Elite Era finally get their hands on them. Jeff Jarrett then turns around walks back through the curtain leaving Ric Flair standing in the ring still frustrated and still looking for a fight. Nitro then cuts to a commercial break

Mike Awesome and Kanyon vs Natural Born Thrillers

After returning back to WCW bash at the beach the natural born thrillers have spent most of their time trying to get into the heads of Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger. tonight however the Natural Born Thrillers are having to take on the henchmen of the elite era otherwise known as Mike Awesome and Kanyon. Over the past few months it is been Kanyon and Mike Awesome who have been running errands for the Elite Era. Tonight once again they are out to help the Elite Era and hinder the natural born thrillers. Within no time, both teams slug it out in a heavy hard hitting brawl. The match showcases the abilities of Kanyon throughout, who looks to be the star of the match. This however doesn't help his team win, as the recent feud between Awesome/Kanyon and Sting comes back to bite them on the ass, as Stings face appears on the Tron. this proves enough to distract them and allow Palumbo to roll up Awesome and get the 3.

Winner: Natural Born Thrillers
Time: 8:51

After the match, Palumbo and O’Haire are laughing at Kanyon and Awesome in the ring, when outcomes Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger, who burst through the curtain and begin attacking the Natural Born Thrillers. Awesome and Kanyon join them in the attack on the ramp and after a short time beating them down, The Tag Champs and their lackeys retreat backstage, leaving the WCW officials to help Palumbo and O’Haire to the back as they are unable to do it under their own power.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with an angry looking Shane Douglas. Borash goes to ask Douglas a question, but immediately gets cut off. Douglas says he has had enough of the hypocrisy in WCW, he came here to prove himself and the WCW management are too busy with themselves to recognise his talent and the success he could be for the company. Douglas says tonight he doesn't care who he has to battle, but he's going to beat them and do the same each and every week until someone takes notice.

Dustin Rhodes vs Shawn Stasiak

Hot from his entry into the match labeled as 6 Ways to Hell, Dustin battles his way through the the Mecca of Planet Stasiak. In a good match, it's Dustin who picks up the win, to keep his momentum on a roll heading into next week's PPV New Blood Rising

Winner: Dustin Rhodes
Time: 8:11

Backstage Jeff Jarrett is stood outside the door of his office with Jeremy Borash. Borash is holding the microphone as Jeff smartens up his shirt and tie. Jarrett then addresses the camera and says he is always looking to make things bigger and better in WCW, that's why he has to announce the following. Jarrett says that over the past few weeks, Sting, Kanyon and Mike Awesome have been “Causing problems” and that he is going to let them solve it. Jarrett makes a match between the 3 at WCW New Blood Rising, stating that the best men, but corrects himself to the best man will win. Jarrett says he has no bias in the booking and wishes them all the best, before smirking as he turns to re-enter his office.

WCW Television Championship
Rick Steiner © vs Normal Smiley

In only his second title defence since being awarded the title, Rick Steiner is up against what is joked about by the announcers as someone who was obviously chosen by Steiner to “let him off the hook”. A cocky Steiner starts the match off by hitting a few running shoulder tackles and taunting his superiority over Smiley. From then on however, it's Smiley who upsets the champ, with his speed and agility in play, he has Steiner on the back foot throughout the match. It's not until the final 30 seconds of the match that Steiner gets any control back. He then uses that time to crush Smiley while he has the chance and hits a devastating Steiner Driver to pick up the win and narrowly successfully defend his TV Championship.

Winner: Rick Steiner

Time: 6:15

After the match, Ric Flair’s music hits and Flair walks to the top of the ramp with a microphone under his arm as he claps at Steiner in the ring. Flair then gets on the microphone and addresses Steiner. Flair says that Steiner was lucky tonight because he got too big for his shoes and almost lost it all. Flair says that's very similar to the whole of the Elite Era. With that's, Flair says he doesn't want Steiner to be forgotten with poor choices of opposition which will degrade the reputation of the WCW TV Title, No Flair says he has just the man who can show up at New Blood Rising and give Steiner the fight of his life. With that, fair signals to the back and out walks Mark Jindrak. Flair then pats him on the back as he leaves for the back. Both Jindrak and Steiner stare down as the show cuts to commercials.

Backstage Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson are one again arguing who is the face of WCW. Both argue they are the best female athlete in WCW and the best looking. With that, in walks a figure dressed in a long glamorous outfit. Both women stop in their tracks and look directly at none other than Women's Legend, The Fabulous Moolah. Moolah looks both women up and down, telling them they have no right to call themselves the faces of the women, that titles like that have to be earned and neither of them have earned such a title. Moolah tells them that they should both shut up until one of them proves their stuff. Keibler and Wilson look shocked as Moolah walks off.

Shane Douglas vs Booker T
Just last week Doulas was demanding serious competition and chances in WCW, complaining backstage that his talents were wasted and it's his time. With that, tonight's match is made and now underway. In a great match between the two, that sees both sides get a great deal of offence. It's sadly not a great night for Douglas as Booker T picks up the victorys, continuing his momentum on the way to WCW New Blood Risings, 6 Ways to Hell WCW Championship Match.

Winner: Booker T
Time: 8:29

After the match, Shane Douglas roll out of the ring and snatches the microphone off the ring announcer. Douglas says he's sick of WCW, he's sick of the politics, the sterilization of his words, the lack of opportunity and how “Nobodys” are getting favoured over him. He then tells WCW management that he's quitting, effective immediately and then refers to Eric Bischoff as a yes man to the politics of the boys and that he needs to not just man up but get a backbone and learn to be more extreme in his future plans for WCW. With that, Douglas throws the microphone back to the ring announcer and exits the arena through the live crowd.

Nu-Horsemen (Jindrak, Styles, Candido) vs Disco Swingers and Cash

In a match set up to hone the skills of the Nu-Horsemen, Jindrak, Styles and Candido work well as a team. Slowly picking apart the opposition, who put up a good fight but are no match for the collective power of the Horsemen. The win comes as Jindrak hits his finisher on Cash to pick up the victory.

Winner: Mark Jindrak
Time: 6:35

Backstage the trio of Jindrak, Styles and Candido are celebrating, when Ric Flair and Lance Storm walk into the locker room. Flair says they are celebrating too early as Storm has a match in the main event tonight. The trio pats him on the back and apologies. Flair then says that they did good tonight but this is just the start, he says he sees great things for them all and that if they continue to shine and work as a unit, they will be unstoppable and the Elite Era won't know what's about to hit them.

Following the previous segment is the whole collective of the Elite Era, including Chavo Guerrero, Mike Awesome and Kanyon who have been associates of the group for some time. Jeff Jarrett starts by thanking everyone for being there and says he needs to talk to them all about “What's Next”. Jarrett says that tonight Chavo has to take on Kevin Nash, thanks to Ric Flair, but that he shouldn't worry, because Nash is a big lump who is easy to chop down. Jarrett tells Chavo to work on the Knees and all should be ok. He then goes on to address the Main Event between Steiner and Storm. Jarrett says he has no doubt who will win, but asks that Steiner takes it easy on him, because they all want him to make it to New Blood Rising, so they can embarrass him and the Nu-Horsemen live on PPV. Jarrett then tells everyone to prepare for a war, that right now the lines are being drawn but not crossed, but that it can't go on like that forever and that someone will drop the first bomb. He says that's when everyone will earn their stripes and members of the Elite Era and that those who stand tall and fight for the right thing will be rewarded when the dust settles. Jarrett then says they are all dismissed and wishes Chavo luck tonight.

Kevin Nash w/Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero jr

In a match heavily favouring the sly tactics passed onto him by Jarrett, Chavo picks apart the knees of Nash. It's a strong story all the way through of Nash battling his way round on his bruised knees as Chavo keeps hitting him with kicks to the legs. The tactics only work for so long as theo whole match gets dictated by Chavo, however the finish is delivered by Nash, who catches Chavo in mid air from a top rop dive and hits him with a Jackknife Powerbomb. The one and only move and offence used by Nash, but provides him with the 3 count for the win.

Winner: Kevin Nash
Time: 5:45

Following the match, Mysterio jumps in the ring and helps Nash to his feet, raising his arm in victory and walking him around the ring in victory. Mysterio then stands over Chavo, with his Cruiserweight Championship in hand and is seen something to him that the camera’s do not pick up. Mysterio then walks to the back with Nash, helping him every now and then as he stretches his legs in pain.

Scott Steiner vs Lance Storm

With all the hype around the Formation of both the Elite Era and the Nu-Horsemen, it's no surprise that this main event has a lot of eyes on it, with the potential of what's to come in the future. The live crowd is hot for the match and there is a ruckus atmosphere as the match gets into full swing. Most would have thought the World Heavyweight Champion would crush the competition, but Lance Storm proves to be a formidable force. Outclassing Steiner in moments, the furious Champ plays rough with Storm at every chance he gets. Thankfully the match doesn't have any outside interference as Steiner came to the ring without Midajah or the rest of the Elite Era, so tonight both men are alone in a war. After countless slams and suplex, Storm continues to fight on, as Steiner continues his onslaught with Storm kicking out at 2 every time. It's not long before the fans start to get even more het up as the feeling in the room begins to change, with the PPV fight feel in the air and the fans believing Storm could fight through it and pick up the win and shock the world. It's with that, that Storm gets to his feet and hits a spectacular superkick and falls onto Steiner. As the crowd counts the 1-2- Steiner kicks out and pulls himself up, furious that he now has a bloody nose. Steiner then stomps the hell out of Storm and locks in the Recliner. After what feels like an eternity, The referee begins to raise the arm to check Storm can continue as he refuses to tap. The referee gets to the second count of the arm drop and raises for a third. For a moment the arm stays up, but drops to th floor and the referee is left no other option to forfeit the match to Steiner.

Winner: Scott Steiner
Time: 14:26
Show Rating

WWF 44.37 vs WCW 12.27