WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #302
Monday Week 2 August
Curtis Menard Sports Center, Alaska (4,768)

Announce Team

Before the Announcers can welcome us to WCW Monday Nitro, AJ Styles comes flying through the curtain and lands face first on the stage. He is closely followed by WCW Champion Scott Steiner who picks AJ to his feet and continues the beat down, all the way down the ramp. Steiner is flanked by Midajah who runs to the time keepers area and expresses that they should get a referee in the ring because there is a match about to start. A Referee gets into the ring and separates Steiner from the assault. The referee then asks AJ if he is able to continue, which he nods. The Referee then calls for the bell.

AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner

As the bell rings, Steiner launches another onslaught of blows. He continuously lifts AJ to his feet and slapping him down, making a point to show his dominance in WCW. The announcers comment multiple times that the rest of the Nu-Horsemen are still not here yet and that AJ is on his own. After a few minutes beating AJ down, Steiner goes for the pin, but just before the 3, a resilient AJ kicks out. A furious Steiner pushes his shoulders back to the mat and goes for a pinfall again. AJ once again kicks out, a furious Steiner gets to his feet kicks the bottom rope in anger and then walks to AJ again and locks in the Recliner. After a few desperate moments, Styles is forced to tap as he sees no way out.

Winner: Scott Steiner
Time: 6:22

Following the match, Steiner calls Midajah into the ring, but as he is holding the ropes open for her to enter, Dustin Rhodes comes running down the ramp with a bandaid on his head and his ribs taped up. Dustin blindsides Steiner and proceeds to hit him in the back of the head with forearm after forearm while he is face down on the mat. Referees and agents then rush to the ring to seperate the two, dragging Dustin up the ramp, as Steiner is left to pull himself up in the ring. Midajah hands Steiner the Championship belt and the two men have a shouting match as Agents escort Dustin backstage.

Backstage Booker T is being interviewed about this Sunday's 6 Ways to Hell match. Booker expresses his need to get back his title and that although they will all have a common hatred of Scott Steiner, that won't stop him from pinning one of his friends if it means he would once again be WCW Champion.

Natural Born Thrillers vs 3 Count

In a good match for the live crowd, Moore and Karagias put up a good battle against the two larger men. The speed of Karagias and Moore helps the two a lot during the match, helping them to stay out of or get out of trouble. It's Palumbo who ends up picking up the victory after Karagias attempts a top rope move, but lands into the boot of Palumbo and enables him to pick up the 3.

Winner: Chuck Palumbo
Time: 7:36

Right after the bell rings, Palumbo and O’Haire get to celebrating in the ring, when Bagwell and Luger make a run for the ring. Just as they are about to slide under the bottom rope and enter the ring, Palumbo and O’Haire catch eyes with them. Bagwell and Luger then stop in their tracks and proceed to stare down the challengers from ringside, before slowly backing up the ramp, talking to each other, but not losing eye contact with Palumbo and O’Haire.

Backstage AJ Styles is in the medics room when Ric Flair walks in to check up on him. Flair says he's sorry he's only just arrived and can't believe Steiner would stoop so low after Flair and Jarrett has struck an agreement to at least stop the shows falling into utter chaos. Flair says it's most likely due to Jarrett not being here tonight, but that it's no excuse for his behaviour. Thats when Jindrak, Storm and Candido walk in. Storm says AJ shows the heart of a true warrior out there tonight. All of them say they are proud of him and say he would have taken Steiner to the limit has it been a fair match. Flair then says to Styles, not to worry as he will deal with Steiner tonight.

On his way to find and deal with Scott Steiner, Flair runs into an irate Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes says he wants his hands on Steiner for his cowardly attack this past Thursday on Thunder. Flair says he caught him at the right time, that he will give Dustin the match, so long as he promises to dish out some justice for his boy AJ. Dustin agrees and says he will beat Steiner to within an inch of his life, offering to leave just enough so that he can make it until Sunday and lose his title at WCW New Blood Rising. Flair shakes his hand and tells him to go and train, because he has his match this Thursday on Thunder.

Mike Awesome vs Mark Jindrak

Before the match starts, Kanyon comes to ringside and opens up a chair to watch the match. In a heavy slugging match, two of the big young men in WCW lay into each other battling for the win. The match is pretty open when it comes to the offence with neither man looking to be steamrolling the other. The end of the match comes as Kanyon steps up onto the ringside and distracts Jindrak. Awesome comes in for the attack from behind but Jindrak sidesteps and Awesome knocks Kanyon off the ring apron. Jindrak then rolls up Awesome for the 3 and dolls out of the ring.

Winner: Mark Jindrak
Time: 11:11

Backstage and the camera cuts to Scott Steiner being handcuffed. Flair is standing nearby telling the local police that he doesn't want to press charges, but he wants to have it on record that it's his one and old warning. Steiner is then dragged backwards out of the arena, into a waiting car, screaming abuse and threats and Flair the whole time.

After the commercial, DDP is seen standing with Gene Okerlund. DDP says he is both excited and nervous ahead of his 6 Ways to Hell match. DDP says he has been deprived of the championship for over a year and he wants to capture the gold to prove something to himself.

Locker Room Leaders vs Shawn Stasiak and Billy Kidman

In a bid to get Stasiak and Kidman on the same page and settle a long time feud, this match was set up to help ease the tension. The match starts off with Stasiak and Kidman looking to be working together, with Kidman starting in the ring. The trouble comes when Kidman attempts to tag in Stasiak, Stasiak jumps down off the apron and proceeds to walk up the ramp, not turning. Kidman is then left to fight it out alone, and after putting up a good fight, the numbers become to much and he gets his shoulders pinned for the 3 by Konnan.

Winner: Konnan
Time: 6:56

In an interview with Gene Okerlund, Lance Storm says he cannot wait to get his hands on Scott Steiner, calling him a bully for what he did earlier tonight. Storm says he's got the backing of his fellow horsemen when he steps into the ring this Sunday and he hopes to walk out Champion, humiliating Steiner in the process.

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Shane Helms

Showing off what the cruiserweights have to offer, is two former champions. Helms gives Chavo a run for his money in this match. Making him work for the victory all the way through. It's not until the referee turns his back for a moment, that Chavo kicks Helms between the legs and hits him with a Brainbuster to pick up the victory, heading into his WCW Cruiserweight Championship match this Sunday against Rey Mysterio.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr
Time: 10:46

Gene Okerlund is now backstage with Kevin Nash. Gene asks Nash about his plans for this Sunday. Nash says he wants to teach Steiner and his Elite Era a few lessons. Nash says it's going to be a long tim before the wounds of his forced retirement are healed and he's still picking out bits from his wound, so it's nowhere near ready to heal yet. Nash says he doesn't want to go after the WCW title, he wants to go after Steiner and ensure he deals with him, before he deals with the rest of the Elite Era.

Behind the curtains, the camera cuts to Flair telling Jindrak that tonight he wants him to join him ringside and study his match with Rick Steiner. Flair tells him that a true champion scouts his oposition and takes them apart using every weakness. Flair says he has high hopes for Jindrak and he can count tonight as the beginning of his Legacy of Learning from the Naitch.

Ric Flair vs Rick Steiner

After making their way to the ring, Flair pulls out a sat for Jindrak and has him sit ringside for the match. Rick Steiner is apprehensive to begin the match, refusing to turn his back on Jindrak, thinking an attack is imminent. It takes some time for the match to get started, but slowly and surely the pace picks up. It's not long before both men are shouting to Jindrak at ringside. Flair is shouting for him to watch what he's about to teach him, and Steiner shouting for him to watch what he's about to do to his mentor. After a lot of offence from Steiner, Flair manages to pick up the victory after capitalising on Steiner's arrogance at shouting abuse to Jindrak. Flair manages to roll him up while his back is turned and pick up the 3.

Winner: Ric Flair
Time: 14:19

Show Rating WWF 42.11 vs WCW 12.92