WCW Nitro Theme

WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #303
Monday Week 3 August
Cape Cod Coliseum, Massachusetts (5,000 SOLD OUT)

Announce Team

As WCW Nitro comes onto the air, all 8 Members of the Elite Era are standing in the ring, covered in all the gold. Jeff Jarrett takes to the Microphone and says that last night was a complete success. Jarrett says that everybody bet against them and once again they proved the world was full of idiots. Jarrett then asks Chavo to step forward, Jarrett congratulates him on bringing home the Cruiserweight Championship and welcomes him into the Elite Era family. Jarrett then calls forward Kanyon, Jarrett says that he couldn't be more proud of what he did last night. Jarrett thanks Kanyon for coming up with the plan and says Mike Awesome was just not smart enough to join the Elite. Jarrett then says he wishes Awesome best on finding a new job outside of WCW. With that, Jarrett then turns his attention to the Tag Team and TV Champions. Jarrett says they did a great job defending last night. Jarrett says they make him and the legacy of those championships proud. Jarrett then welcomes Chyner to the Elite Era, he asks her to step forward, where they both embrace. Jarrett says they may have had their differences in the past, but thy both recognise each other as the greatest athletes. Jarrett points out that the 10th wonder of the world is the fact the WWF didn't recognise Chyners true potential, stating “What's their loss, is out gain”. That's when Jarrett turns his attentions to last night and talks about Steiner. Jarrett says Steiner was unfairly treated walking into New Blood Rising and as “Good Men” they couldn't stand by and let the match be “Unjust”. Everyone then warmly taps Steiner on the back and Jarrett says they may have helped even the field and saves the title from disgrace, but that b*****d Goldberg had to show up and spoil the big moment. Steiner then shouts in the background that they got rid of his a** and he should know his place. Jarrett then says Goldberg isn't here to night (which is met by booing) as he is currently with state police for trespassing last night. Jarrett then tells the crowd to shut up and forget about Goldberg because he’s never going to wrestle in WCW again while Jarrett and the Elite Era has anything to do with it. Jarrett then points to someone at ringside, the arena then fills with confetti as Jarrett says, “You deserve it, you deserve it all”. The crowd boo’s throughout, which causes Bagwell to take the mic and instruct his fellow elite members “Let's take the party backstage where people can appreciate it”

Totally Buffed vs The Insiders

Straight after the commercial break, Bagwell and Luger make their way back to ringside, removing their suit jackets and shirts on the way to the ring. Their challengers of the Insiders then make a beeline for the ring, both still obviously furious from last night when they were screwed in the 6 Ways to Hell Main Event. Nash and Page waste no time in beating down the tag champs. In a sign of pure rage, Nash boots Bagwell so hard in the face, that he busts him wide open (causing a minor bruised orbital bone). The match gets back to some formality, but the two former world champions prove too much for the tag champs as Nash picks up the victory over Luger after a Jackknife Powerbomb.

Winner: Kevin Nash
Time: 7:49

A Furious Ric Flair is waiting for us after we come back from commercial. Flair is in the ring going crazy. Flair says he is sick and tired of dealing with the Elite Era, Flair says last night was supposed to be one on one but that B**** (which causes a gasp form the audience) poked her nose into my business. Flair then calls out Chyner who doesn't show up. An irate Flair then takes off his jacket and starts stopping on it, before dropping a few elbows. That's when the music of Chyner hits. She walks out onto the stage and stands there with her arms crossed staring at Flair. Flair tells her to get to the ring as he doesn't mind beating up a woman. Chyner Smirks at the top of the ramp before turning and going straight to the back. An even angrier Flair picks up his jacket and says “You can't get away that easy” before running up the ramp.

Backstage Shawn Stasiak is seen knocking on the door of Jeff Jarrett. After entering, Stasiak wastes no time in reminding Jarrett about how they have been “friends” for years and he’s looking to step up and prove himself. Jarrett says that's all great but last night he lost to Billy Kidman and that doesn't sound like a good way to start “Proving himself”. Stasiak tells Jarrett that he will do anything for a chance to shine and be alongside the true stars in WCW, saying that their talent can rub off on him. Jarrett then emplores him to stop going on and says if he want in, he has to be the best and prove he has what it takes. Stasiak goes to say he has what it takes, but Jarrett cuts him off. Jarrett says to go away, think over what he's said and “Prove himself” to the Elite Era and he may just get a shot. An enthusiastic Stasiak thanks Jarrett before leaving.

Billy Kidman vs Elix Skipper

Following on from a great win just last night, Billy Kidman once again steps into the ring and follows it up with another victory over a fellow member of the WCW Cruiserweight division.

Winner: Billy Kidman
Time: 7:50

Backstage Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo are seen chatting backstage in the corridor, when out of nowhere is a loud charging scream followed by Shawn Stasiak running into view. Obviously trying to make his mark and try to prove his worth to the Elite Era, he charges towards the Natural Born Thrillers. Sadly for Stasiak the attack doesn't even begin as Palumbo sees him coming and catches him with a superkick and lays him out on the ground. O’Haire and Palumbo begin laughing as they pick up their backs and walk off laughing about the whole thing

Chyner vs Big Vito

As the match begins, Chyner is waiting in the ring ready for a fight. Out walks Big Vito of the Mamalukes who laughs as he makes his way to the ring. Vito steps into the ring and puts his hand on Chyners wait and can be heard talking down to Chyner about being a woman in a mans ring. Chyner then grips the wrist of the hand on her shoulder and begins to twist it. The smile is wiped of Vito’s face as the pulls him in for a brutal clothesline. Picking him back up, Chyner hits him with a Chynerbomb and goes for the cover, but lifts his head off the mat before the 3 count. Chyner then verbally abuses him, while cradling his head. She then lifts him up and Chynerbombs him once more before picking up the victory and leaving Vito looking worse for where on the mat.

Winner: Chyner
Time: 2:27

Backstage and Ric Flair is sat in a room with all the members of the Nu-Horsemen. They are all looking somber and beaten with their heads in their hands. Flair says that the war is now on, the battle last night may have gone to those snakes, but the war is still theirs to win. Storm interrupts and asks what Flair has in mind next. Flair tells him that they can't do it alone and that going forward, they need to find those they can trust. Flair says that Jarrett is the puppet master behind it all and if they can chop off the hand, the whole thing falls apart. Styles then says he is always onboard and says now that Chavo Guerrero is the Cruiserweight Champion, maybe he and Candido can make it their mission. Flair tells them that it's a good idea, but right now they should leave every option on the table and come up with a master plan. That's when the segment ends with Jindrak saying “lets strip them of their gold and their livelihood”.

The Music Hits and it's shock across the arena…

Eric Bischoff walks out to the ring with a microphone in hand, flanked by security and holding a briefcase in his hand. Bischoff wastes no time in addressing the fall out from last night and why he is back tonight. Bischoff says that the Elite Era has been running things for far too long and that's got to stop, Bischoff says he has brought papers with him tonight that have been looked at by his and WCW’s lawyers. Bischoff says that Jarrett's position is almost watertight and he can't do anything about it, however one clause that he found was that although he can't be “Stripped” of his position, there is nothing that says he can't “Lose” the position. That's when Jarrett comes to the stage with Scott Steiner and Midajah. Jarrett tells Bischoff to just go home and do nothing like he has been for weeks. Jarrett points out that he has been running the show just fine, even pointing out that thanks to him, the ratings are on the up. Bischoff immediately dismisses him and says that the hard work of the whole roster has helped the rating and that his “Scumbag group” has just put off even more viewers and investors. Jarrett goes to talk but Bischoff tells the sound truck to cut them off. An angry Jarrett and Steiner go to walk to the ring, but Bischoff tells them to wait there because he has something they might want to hear. Bischoff says that last night the Whole of the Elite Era couldn't wait to get involved and step into the steel cell, well Bischoff has a great opportunity for them. This year, Fall Brawl is going back to it's tradition of hosting WAR GAMES!. Jarrett and Steiner look concerned. Bischoff says he is sick of seeing the Elite Era come out on top, so this time he's going to get Jarrett, Rick and Scott Steiner , Bagwell and Luger inside the War Games. However this time everything will be on the line. Bischoff says he will put together a team that will take them down and strip them of something they hold dear. Bischoff says every title will be on the line, Whoever gets pinned loses their title and if Jarrett gets pinned, he relinquished his power as President to who ever defeats him. Jarrett and Steiner look furious as they just hurl abuse at Bischoff in the ring. But Bischoff isn't done. Bischoff says that if Jarrett loses, he will take great pleasure in firing every member of the Elite Era and stripping them all of their championships, and there wouldn't be a thing they could do to stop him. Jarrett and Steiner then head towards the back, but not before Steiner flips off Bischoff in the ring.

Backstage Shawn Stasiak is seen with his head between his legs, sat on a chair in the medics room. Stacy Keibler walks in and tries to console him as he talks about needing that one big shot to make everyone proud. Stacy tells him there's always next week and that maybe he should plan a little better and not try to take on too much at once.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero Jr © vs Rey Mysterio

In a rematch from last night, Chavo is now making his first defence as champion, against the former champion, Mysterio. The match doesn't disappoint and Mysterio gets a lot of support from the live crowd. Just when it looks like Mysterio is about to prevail, a man who hasn't been seen in WCW for some time runs through the crowd, jumps the rail, gets onto the apron and while Mysterio has his back to him, he pulls off Mysterio's mask and runs up the ramp with it. A shocked Mysterio then falls victim to a roll up as the Returning Vampiro uncontrollable laughs on the ramp, before dropping the mask and rubbing his foot into it.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero
Time: 8:34

Mikey Tenay catches Vampiro as he walks through the backstage area and questions what he just did. Vampiro cuts a nonsensical promo about how he doesn't like when people hide behind a facade, a mask that hides their inner darkness. Vampiro says his face is painted with the emotions of his happiness and he wants to show Mysterio the way forward isn't to hide his sinister self. A shaken Tenay thanks him and is heard saying “that man needs a doctor” as Vampiro walks out of ear shot.

Backstage and Eric Bischoff is outside the arena with Sting. Bischoff says he needs Stings help. Bischoff says that there is nobody else on this planet who is more WCW than Sting. Bischoff says he needs Sting to head up the WCW team in War Games. Bischoff says he will let Sting pick his team as he has full faith in him, but points out it's a big deal for him and the future of WCW. Sting immediately says he would do it and that there's not a moment of doubt in his mind about it. Sting shakes the hand of Bischoff as Mr Bischoff wishes him luck

Fit Finlay vs Mark Jindrak

In a bid to fight back from the defeat of last night, Jindrak takes on a veteran of WCW. In a match that lasts over 10 mins, Jindrak is taken to the limit and back by the skilled veteran. In what becomes a lesson of counters for Jindrak. It turns out to be his heart and determination that gets him through the match and picks up the victory.

Winner: Mark Jindrak

Time: 10:28

Backstage in the office of Mr Bischoff, camera’s are peering in through the door as Bischoff is seen on the phone. Bischoff seems both stressed and concerned as he tells the person on the other end of the line to “Hold in there” and that “things will change”. As the call ends, Bischoff is seen taken a big breath and falls backwards, sinking into his chair looking shaken.

Ric Flair is seen walking towards his car with his bags when from behind a door comes the 9th Wonder of the World Chyner. Both lock eyes for a brief second before Flair drops everything. It's too late to get in the first blow, as Chyner gets the advantage straight away. Dropping to her knees and playing the dirtiest player in the game, at his own game, she gives him a low blow. She then stands back up, kicks his back over and on top of him before telling him to stay away from Jeff or next time she won't be so nice.

A short video airs of Goldberg. The video shows him spearing countless wrestlers before the video hits pause and the text “Who’s Next” appears on the screen.

Booker T vs Rick Steiner

In a refreshing change to events of late, tonight's main event goes bell to bell without any outside interference and is just a battle of body and mind between the two sides of an ever growing war in WCW. Rick Steiner looks great in the match and battles evenly on every level with Booker. The match only ends after a hard fought match when booker manages to hit a Bookend and followed it up with an Axe kick for good measure.

Winner: Booker T
Time: 10:50

Immediately after the match, Scott Steiner, Jarrett, Bagwell and Luger all run to the ring and start to attack Booker T. Thats when one by one the WCW locker room comes to the ring starting with the team captain of the WCW War Games Team Sting. Although he manages to fight them off, the numbers begin to prove too much, thats when the Insiders Nash and Page make a beeline for the ring and help to slowly ease the numbers. Booker T then storms the ring and helps with the saving of the guard. The final man to rush to the ring is Dustin Rhodes who comes equipped with a belt that he starts lashing across the backs of the Elite Era. In the end, all 5 members of the Elite Era are left to hightail it up the ramp as what seems like the 5 mean of team WCW stand tall in the ring after laying a beat down on the Elite Era.
Show Rating

WWF 42.99 vs WCW 12.70