WCW Nitro Theme
WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #304
Monday Week 4 August
Carnesecca Arena, New York (5,597)

Announce Team

WCW Nitro opens with the Co-President of WCW, Jeff Jarrett standing in the ring. Jarrett immediately riles up the crowd by asking for silence. Jarrett says he is sick of having to deal with Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair. He reminds everyone that until he took power, not only had Nitro been taken off the air, but the ratings were in the gutter. Jarrett takes full credit for the rise in the ratings, even saying that the Elite Era are the saving grace. Jarrett then says that Elite Championship Wrestling is going to be the best company in the world again. Realising his mistake, he corrects himself and says “World, World, I mean World Championship Wrestling”. Jarrett then days that the stipulations for War Games at Fall Brawl are just unfair, but he knows his Elite Era is the best and that they will ensure they walk out victorious, at all costs. He says that they will walk out with all the gold and his power entact. Before Jarrett leaves the ring he mutters the words “You won't see it coming”, before laughing as he exits the ring.

Lance Storm vs Kanyon

In a non title match, Kanyon, the new US Champion takes on his challenge of Horseman Member and former Champion, Lance Storm. Both of the men take it to the max, in a show of equal might (both 74 match performance). Neither man looks better than the other as the match struggles on to be one of the longer openings in Nitro’s recent history. In the end it's the Horseman who picks up the victory in a clean fashion, over the Champion.

Winner: Lance Storm
Time: 14:30

Back from Commercial Break and Scott Steiner makes his way to the ring with Midajah on his arm and a microphone in hand. Steiner gets into the ring and his first words on the microphone are “As Captain”. Steiner says he's leading his War Games team at Fall Brawl, calling himself not just the Captain, but Captain Champion. Steiner says he wants to make something perfectly clear at Fall Brawl, but first he needs the Captain of Team WCW to come out here. After a few moments of silence, Sting makes his way to the ramp, without a microphone, just his jacket and bat. Steiner says he wants to look Sting in the eye because he has respect for him. Steiner says he thinks is a bad career choice for Sting and asks him to reconsider his position. Sting shakes his head. Steiner then says “Well your walking into a fight you can't win, i thought you were smarter than that”. Sting continues to stare down at Steiner. Stiner then says that he should prepare himself for failure in that case, because the Elite Era have an ace up their sleeve that team WCW just can't account for. Steiner says he had better start quaking in those boots, because the Elite Era mean business. Sting then points his bat up to the sky, as the area goes dark. The lights slowly come back on, but he's gone from the stage. Leaving Stiner to run backwards in circles, expecting him to attack. However there is no attack, as Steiner grabs the arm of Midajah and exits the ring.

Chris Candido vs Chyner

Starting in the ring, Horseman member Candido awaits the arrival of the Elite Era Bodyguard. As Chyner makes her way to the ring, the Announcers comment on how much of an impact she had already made to WCW, calling her a “Wonder” and remarking on the bizarre relationship with Jeff Jarrett. Chyner and Candido put on an ok, match, however Chyner is by far the standout in the match as she shows that no man can keep a strong woman down. Ending the match with a Chynerbomb

Winner: Chyner
Time: 7:36

After the match, Chyner lifts the head of Candido, but before she can say or do anything, the music of Ric Flair hits. Flair stands at the top of the ramp with the microphone in his hand and proceeds to call chyner the 1st B*tch of the World. Flair says that he has to praise Jarrett for signing you from the WWF, but that he (Flair) didn't realise how much of a pain in the ass you must have been for them. Flair says he doesn't take kindly to any man poking their nose in his business, and that doesn't mean she is left out. Flair says he doesn't like to strike a woman, but he would happily make an exception in a match with her. Flair says he may be the “Oldest player in the Game” in Chyners eyes, but that he can teach her a trick or two. Flair says he wants her one on one. That's when Chyner shouts from the ring, “Your not my type old man”. Flair briefly laughs it off before clarifying that he wants to face her at Fall Brawl. Chyner then grabs a microphone and tells Flair, “If you think you know how to handle a real woman, i’ll be there” she then throws the microphone to the ground and exits the ring. She walks up the ramp, has a brief locking of the eyes with Flair, as she brushes past him and heads to the back

Backstage in the corridor, Shawn Stasiak and Mike Sanders as having an argument between each other, Stasiak then knocks on the door of Jeff Jarrett, who calls them in. Both men then fight over who is going in first, after a stalemate, Jarrett opens the door and asks them what the hell they want. Sanders speaks up and says they couldn't help what happened on Thunder, but they wanted another chance to prove themselves tonight. Jarrett obliges and says they can have a rematch, but this time, they can't come out with excuses. Sanders and Stasiak then highfive as Jarrett then says… “You guys need help, maybe you should call yourselves S.O.S” Stasiak says, “Oh you mean Stasiak and Sanders” to which Jarrett gives him the most stupid look and just says “If thats what u took from it, roll with it”

In the lockerroom of the Horsemen, Jindrak is standing up in front of all 3 of the other members. Jindrak consolidates Candido on his earlier loss, but says “it's ok, nobody wants to have to hit a woman”. Jindrak then says Storm was awesome kicking off the shock tonight. Jindrak says he deserves a shot at the title now and hopes he gets it, also saying it's not a case of stepping on his toes, because they are all as one. AJ Styles then chips in. Styles says he knows he is the Baby of the group and he's happy for all the support, but he feels he doesn't deserve it just yet. Styles says he’s there for his brotherhood all the way and says he needs to earn his place more. The feeling in the room is somewhat of rejection to the idea, but they all tell him to “Keep doing what he's doing and it’ll pay off”

Vampiro vs Konnan

In his first match back on Nitro in some time, Vampiro tries to make a splash, after just last week he caused a shocker, costing Mysterio the Cruiserweight Championship twice. Konnan who is a close friend and former Filthy Animal team member. Konnan wastes to time dishing out the attack on Vampiro, as the crowd can hear him verbally berate Vampiro. Both men have a pretty good match, with Vampiro thankfully not showing any signs of ring rust. The win however comes when Mysterio makes an appearance on the Ramp and causes a distraction, allowing Konnan to roll him up.

Winner: Konnan
Time: 7:58

After the match, instead of looking angry, Vampiro sits in the ring uncontrollable laughing to himself and pointing at mysterio. Mysterio looks somewhat shocked by the reaction, thinking it would have hat a whole different effect on the now… clearly very unhinged Vampiro

From the announce table, Dusty Rhodes informs everyone that Eric Bischoff has just emailed the producers of the show and they have been told to pass on the message to him, that after his pinfall victory over the United States Champion earlier tonight. Lance Storm would be granted a title shot against Kanyon at the upcoming PPV, Fall Brawl.

AJ Styles vs Cloudy

As AJ makes his way to the ring, his challenger, a local wrestler is already waiting. Styles appears to have a more of a strategic plan in his match tonight, as he takes it to his opponent in a way we haven't seen him before. Styles showcases his aerial skills as he finishes the match with an amazing Slingshot Frog Splash.

Winner: AJ Styles
Time: 4:29

Straight after the match, a Video package airs of the Banished Goldberg. The announcers question who and why these are airing, when Goldberg is still outside of the WCW Family. The video ends the lines, “Whos Next”, followed by “Who can stop me”

Backstage in the locker room, DDP is stretching before his match tonight against Bagwell, in the main event. Nash is sat back in his chair sipping a cold beer and says to DDP that they have to do something at Fall Brawl. Nash says it's all great and well that they are back in the WCW fold, but they have to make a stand for the future of the company. Nash says they are not the Insiders fore nothing. Page then says we can always make them the “Outsiders” around here. Which gets a pop from the live crowd. Page says that the Elite Era may be a well oiled team and that they may be the biggest threat to WCW since the NWO, to which Nash smirks. Page says that as long as both of them stand back to back and fight, there is no way the Elite Era can come out on top. Nash then jokes about being the one to pin Steiner. Page says he is welcome to, but he wants first shot as champion.

Billy Kidman vs Alex Wright

Continuing on from a great winning streak, Kidman laces up his boots and once again steps into the ring against a staple in WCW. Both men put on a good match, with Kidman looking the star throughout. It's no surprise that Kidman once again picks up the win, as he hits the Shooting Star Press to get the 3 count.

Winner: Billy Kidman
Time: 7:03

After the match, Kidman calls for a microphone. Kidman calls out Chavo, who doesn't show up at first. Kidman calls Chavo a fluke champion and a disgrace to the division. Stating that his(kidmans) winning streak of late has made him the perfect #1 contender. With that, Chavo walks out to the stage. Chavo says you can't just insult him and get a shot, Chavo says why doesn't he go see his buddys Bischoff or Flair and see what they can do for him, because Chavo refuses to accept his challenge. Chavo then walks off, Leaving Kidman to follow his lead and race up the ramp in pursuit.

Shawn Stasiak and Mike Sanders vs Natural Born Thrillers

In what must be a joke for the former Tag Champions, Stasiak and Sanders are once again challenging them to earn respect and a possible spot in the fold that is known as the Elite Era. In a pretty decent match, it's Palumbo and O’Haire who shine in the match. Stasiak and Sanders put up a good fight, but it's Sanders who falls victim to a powerful, jaw-shattering superkick from Palumbo, who gets the 3 Count

Winner: Chuck Palumbo
Time: 6:02

Backstage Kevin Nash is in the interview area alone, with a camera. Nash says he has had issued with Steiner for months now. First having to step in and help Mysterio and now defending the honor of WCW. Nash says he wants Steiner one on one. Nash says he doesn't care if the title isn't on the line and he doesn't care what the rules are. Nash then says he will be at WCW Thunder on Thursday if Steiner wants to show up and accept his challenge.

Diamond Dallas Page vs Buff Bagwell

Highlighting the modern era of WCW Nitro, the Veteran in Page takes on Bagwell in a battle of WCW vs Elite Era in a string of one on one matches to cement the better brand and good vs evil. Page is somewhat the Peoples Champ of WCW and gets the crowd on their feet all through the match. Bagwell proves to be a tough adversary for Page all the way though. Refusing to give up and countering at every chance. Bagwell also performs better that page during the match, in what the critics are sure to call an “Off Day” for the former Champ. The win however comes thanks to a surprise Diamond Cutter, that leads to a 3 count victory

Winner: DDP
Time: 12:39

After the match, Lex Luger makes a run for the ring to attack DDP. Luger and Bagwell briefly get an advantage on Page, before Nash eventually makes a run for the ring, to save the day and save his friend. After clearing the ring, Nash stands tall in the ring, Only to be blindsided by the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Scott Steiner, who comes to the ring with lead pipe in hand. Steiner takes one sweep at the knees of Nash before walking back up the ramp and leaving the Arena.
Show Rating