WCW Thursday Night Thunder - Episode #148
Thursday Week 1 August
John M. Parker Coliseum, Louisiana (5,747)

Announce Team

Thursday Night Thunder opens with Big Poppa Pump standing in the ring. Steiner along with Midajah complains about how unfair the 6 Ways to Hell match is for him and how disrespected he feels as champion. Steiner says he will go down in history as the greatest WCW Champion ever and that Ric Flair needs to realise it's not the amount of times you win it and lose it. It's about the time you win it, hold it and show your dominance at the top.

With that, the music of DDP Hits, DDP comes out and exchanges a few words with Steiner before the music of Dustin Rhodes hits.

Dustin and DDP share a moment ribbing the champion for being scared. Next to come out and join the party is Booker T.

Now 4 out of the 6 men in the 6 Ways to Hell match are in the ring and the tension begins to heat up. Booker says he can't wait to get his hands on Steiner again and hope that this time his Elite punks stay out of it.

Next the music of Lance Storm hits and he makes his way into the ring. Steiner mocks him and says out of them all, he is the one who least deserves to be in the match. Steiner says he is there because he is Flairs new poster boy. Storm laughs it off and says that he earned his place like everyone else and he will give Steiner the fight of his life. Finally the last man in the 6 Ways to Hell match comes out and it's “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash.

Nash immediately starts laying into Steiner, calling him a bully. Nash then steps into the ring and makes a beeline for Steiner, who escapes the ring quickly with Midajah and hightails it up the ramp. His 5 challengers then all lean on the rope, looking up the ramp at Steiner who looks visibly shaken by what he has to overcome at WCW New Blood Rising

Backstage Jeff Jarrett is seen talking to Mike Awesome, Kanyon and Chavo Guerrero Jr. Jarrett says that although they haven't been coming up with the results he wants over the past few weeks, their loyalty and determination is not going unnoticed. Jarrett says he would love to welcome them into the fold of the Elite Era, but they still have a lot yet to prove. Jarrett then tells them that he's giving them another chance tonight. He's going to team team them up to go against Palumbo and O’Haire, oh and the WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, Sting. They are all a little taken back when Jarrett says Sting, but puff their chests and they all promise to hand out an ass whooping to the three of them.

Shane Helms vs Kaz Hayashi vs Elix Skipper

In a good match representing the Cruiserweight Division. Three of it's young and brightest stars battle it out to further their way up the ladder to a title shot. Kaz shines through with his offence and is the standout star of the match. However it's Helms who picks up the victory thanks to Kaz already doing the groundwork on Skipper.

Winner: Shane Helms
Time: 8:56

Backstage in the locker room, Flair and Jindrak are sat down talking over his chance at singles gold. Flair tells Jindrak that nothing feels as good as winning gold by yourself. Flair points out his Tag Team Championship win, but says that until you take the gold home yourself, you never really know if your a star. Flair offers Jindrak some words of advice for their New Blood Rising match and tells Jindrak to just keep to the plan and the belt will be his. Jindrak stand and hugs Flair, telling him “i’ll take out the dog faced gremlin and bring home the gold”.

Hugh Morrus vs Shawn Stasiak

Stasiak starts the match off by posing in the ring as Stacy Keibler stands on the ring apron shouting insults as Morrus. Morrus goes to interject Keibers insults when Stasiak attacks him from behind. The two then have a good even battle in the ring with Morrus and Stasiak bringing out the best in each other. Sadly the pattern of Stasiak wins continues as once again it's Stacy Keibler who provides all the assists needed to help Stasiak take advantage and score the win.

Winner: Shawn Stasiak
Time: 7:30

After the match, the music of Billy Kidman hits. Out walks Kidman and Torrie Wilson to the top of the ramp. Both stare down with Stasiak and Keibler who were just celebrating in the ring. After a few tense moments of the staredown, Kidman and Wilson turn round and head to the back, clearly sending a message to Stasiak and Keibler that things ain't over just yet.

Backstage there is a lot of noise and officials are seen running, as the Camera follows them down the hallway. Referees and Agents are then seen trying to get between Scott Steiner and Dustin Rhodes, who has been heavily beaten down by Steiner and in face down on the concrete. Steiner fights off the members of staff multiple times, to continue the assault. Eventually Steiner is restrained but that doesn't stop him from running his mouth. Steiner tells Dustin that he's sorry but he don't think he's going to make it to New Blood Rising now.

Sting and The Natural Born Thrillers vs Mike Awesome, Kanyon and Chavo Guerrero Jr

Two sides of a battle have been drawn already tonight. Both Sting and The NBT have had run ins with the Elite Era for not just weeks but months. Tonight the lackeys have been sent to do the job, and what a job they do. Mike Awesome proves he is the powerhouse, while Chavo uses his speed to gain every advantage. It is clear however that Kanyon is the brains of the trio, directing traffic and knowing the best time to strike. The match almost looks to be an upset multiple times as the Elite Era Wannabe Trio pick apart Palumbo and single him out for most of the match. Fate however seals the fate of the match as Palumbo makes it for the tag and O’Haire and Sting prove to be too much of a match. O’Haire manages to seal the win, hitting a swanton on Awesome to pick up the win.

Winner: Sean O’Haire
Time: 12:49
Show Rating

WWF 33.85 vs WCW 9.10