WCW Thursday Night Thunder - Episode #150
Thursday Week 3 August
Amarillo Memorial Stadium, Texas (5,000 SOLD OUT)

Announce Team

WCW Thunder opens with the Music off Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett makes his way to the ring with his bodyguard Chyner. Both look unimpressed as Jarrett takes to the Microphone. Jarrett addresses the return of Mr Bischoff last week and calls his actions bias, something with Jarrett himself or the Elite Era could never be accused of. Jarrett says Bischoff is back to just abuse his power like he always does and doesn't understand what the fans of WCW want, which is met by a chorus of boo’s. Jarrett says the people in tonight can't call themselves fans, they all look like they just needed somewhere warm to spend their evening. Jarrett then talks about his Co-President Ric Flair. Jarrett says he is sick of having to deal with him, that's why he brought in the 9th Wonder of the World. Jarrett then hands over the Microphone to Chyner. Chyner addresses Flair by calling him the “Oldest Player in the Game”, a nod to his dirtiest player in the game title. Chyner says she made a name for herself up north, kicking the a** of boys who thought they could call themselves men, she's here to do the same and she wants to add him to that list. That's when Jarrett takes back over and tells Flair that if he thinks he's still the man, maybe he should beat the greatest woman who has ever lived. Jarrett then addresses Sting and the War Games team. Jarrett says he expected more from Sting, saying that the men he chose were just beaten this past Sunday by Scott Steiner, stating surely he could have picked someone they haven't beaten. Jarrett then says at Fall Brawl he and the Elite Era will walk out proud with everything they walked in with, pointing to the fact that they are a team and their opponents are just a collection of individual losers.

Mark Jindrak vs Kanyon

In a match that has both men looking extremely strong. It's a case of experience that prevails in the match. Although Jindrak puts up a hell of a battle, the ring awareness of Kanyon just proves that little bit too much as Kanyon uses the ropes to his advantage which lets him hit Jindrak with his finisher to pick up the win.

Winner: Kanyon
Time: 8:02

Backstage we see Mysterio with his back to the camera with his mask places on a chair nearby. Unbeknown to Mysterio, Vampiro sneaks in and steals the Mask, escaping quickly, Vampiro puts the mask on, before laughing psychotically as he walks towards the parking lot. As he reaches the parking lot, he takes off the mask and throws it in the trash.

In the locker room, Shawn Stasiak is still seen looking deflated. In walks Stacy Keibler with Mike Sanders. Stacy tells Stasiak to get his act together tonight because her and Sanders have been talking and she has a solution to both of their problems. Keibler says it's not just Stasiak who wants to impress the Elite Era, but Sanders also wants to get on their radar. So she has spoken to Jarrett and tonight they both have a match together, to take on the Natural Born Thrillers. Stacy says now that the numbers are evened out, they stand a chance of showing Jarrett and the Elite Era what they are capable of.

Billy Kidman vs Evan Karagias

In this match, Karagias makes his way to the ring alone, without his partner Shannon Moore. Making the odds even, Kidman and Karagias have a good battle, but the roll as of late for Kidman proves to be an obstacle in the way of Karagias as Kidman picks up yet another victory against his fellow cruiserweight.

Winner: Billy Kidman
Time: 4:57

Backstage Chris Candido is seen helping Jindrak pack his bags into his car. While Candido then goes to get his own bags, Chyner is waiting behind a door in the locker room and attacks him from behind. In a quick attack, Chyner powerbombs him straight through a nearby table before telling him to “Take that message to Flair”

Natural Born Thrillers vs Shawn Stasiak and Mike Sanders

Following on from Monday nights failed attack, Stasiak is once again looking to impress by teaming up and taking down his targets. Although Stasiak and Sanders worked well together, the team of O’Haire and Palumbo are just too slick of a team to fall victim to the egotistical gains of Stasiak and Sanders. O’Haire proves to be the stopping force in their mission as he takes out Stasiak with a Swanton from the top rope.

Winner: Sean O’Haire
Time: 4:58

Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage with all 5 members of Team WCW for the War Games match at Fall Brawl. Gene begins by asking Sting what lead him to selecting the men that he did. Sting points out that they have all been wronged by the Elite Era and nobody would fight harder than them, to take down the evil that is lurking in WCW. Gene then points out that just this past monday Booker T defeated Rick Steiner and asks is that a sign of what's to come. Booker answers saying that when it's one on one or the numbers are not stacked against them, the Elite Era fail. Booker says that tonight it's Stings chance against Luger and bets that if the Elite Era stays out of it, Sting will walk away the winner. Next Gene talks to Nash and Page. Gene points out that at New Blood Rising, they had to face each other, now they are back to teaming, does the fact they are teaming up make them more dangerous to the Elite Era. Page says that he and Big Kev are the biggest danger to the EE because they can watch each other’s back like they have been. Nash then chimes in by telling Gene that if you look around, they all have a common goal, whether they were friends before or not, they will go to war because they all have a common goal and that's to save WCW from Elitism. Finally Gene turns to Dustin and points out his recent run ins with Scott Steiner. After pointing out he has yet to truly get his own back, Gene asks if he thinks this time is redemption. Dustin says very little and remains the most focused of all of them. Dustin just says that he won't go down without a fight and at Fall Brawl, he won't leave War Games without taking Steiner to hell and back.

Another Goldberg “Who’s Next” video airs. As Announcers question the direction of the video’s as Goldberg is forbidden for being on WCW soil.

Sting vs Lex Luger

As we steamroll to Fall Brawl, The leader of team WCW takes on a member of the Elite Era and one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions. Sting has been the dominant force in WCW for an eternity and many see him as not just the face, but the heart of WCW. It's no surprise that he was chosen to lead WCW into the battle against the Elite Era inside Wargames at WCW Fall Brawl on September 14th. The story follows the cage as they make their way from the first ever 6 Ways to Hell, into the legendary War Games structure which has changed the course of history, may times. Both Sting and Luger put on a good performance. Thankfully there is no outside interference in the match, as both men are left to slug it out in the ring. Although Luger puts up a good fight, it's the master of the Scorpion Deathlock that picks up the victory and cements his place as the leader of team WCW. Also marking the second straight win for WCW after Booker T defeated Rick Steiner on Monday Night Nitro.

Winner: Sting
Time: 11:06
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