All Contact for HOPW will now be moved from an email system, to the HomeOfProWrestling Discord for quicker response times
Please Click Below to get a full guide on how and what to submit:
GDS Name: Your user name on the GreyDogSoftware forums
GDS Forum Link: A link to your "Mod/Graphics/Skins" thread page on the GDS forum. This will help me gather information to input to your Download page and also allow me to link back to your thread.
Data Download Link: A direct link (drop box, mediafire, sendspace etc..) where i can download the data to host. Also any picture packs associated with it.
Mod Promo Picture: Please create your own Promo Art for the main page of HoPW, Using 200x200px or suply an image which you wish to be made into a Mod Image. This is not compulsory, but helps your mod gain promotion.
What Your Sending: This will help me undertand which section of the website i need to place your submission.
If you are sending more than one of the following, please select all relevent catagorys
Game: Select the Game that this mod is for.
Message: Please use this space to put in any requests regarding your upload. Basically use this space to mention anything you like.
Username: Your user name on the GreyDogSoftware, EWB forums, BeTheBooker or HomeOfProWrestling Forums
Diary Link: A link to your diary Blog. The link you would like everyone to be forwarded too.
Showcase Image: This is the Image than will be used as a button to direct everyone to your Diary. It is 300x300px and must contain text stating if it is Real World or C-Verse. The HoPW logo and the Title of your diary. The rest is up to you. Let your creative juices flow. Download the Template below to get Started
Message: Please use this space to put in any requests regarding your upload. Basically use this space to mention anything you like.
Username: Your user name on the GreyDogSoftware, EWB forums, BeTheBooker or HomeOfProWrestling Forums
Tip Links: A link to anything you may refrence too, in your Tips or Advice.
Tips/Advice: This is where you can pass on tips about how to structure a diary in your mind. Anything you may think can help another Writer, please post it and share with others.
Username: Your user name on the GreyDogSoftware, EWB forums, BeTheBooker or HomeOfProWrestling Forums
Link: A link to help with the Tips
Toolbox Tips: Please share some of your best and greatest Toolbox items. This could be some great text editors, where you host your images, HTML editors or places to find help on creating HTML layouts. Maybe you have a great formular to help you store links for images. What about great places to find stock images for Events and Wrestlers or a PNG catalog to help create a graphical dream. If you know of anything else that may help. Please Share with the community.
Problem Area: The Location, Page, Box, Image etc that is the problem
Message: Please provide the information regarding to any problem you see on the HoPW website
Game Download Link: Please provide a link to the game you wish to share with the community. It can ither be a direct download to the game or a site where the game is Featured.
Game Title: This is basically the title that the games goes by
Platform: Please tick the boxes for which platforms the game is available on. If its a Console made by Sega, Nintendo, XBox, Playstation that isnt mentiond, please select Retro Console. for anything else, please select other.
Other Info: Please use this space to put in any extra info that may be needed. Basically use this space to mention anything you like. has no affiliation with any Pro Wrestling Brands. We are a free, non commerical community with no affiliation to any of the games showcased on the website.